Foundational Truths

Knowing that “all truth is God’s truth,” we believe that academic excellence must be built on a foundation of faith, of which Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). Therefore, His Word, the Holy Bible, is fundamental in our preparation of curriculum, and His Spirit is the guiding light of its implementation. Truly, a Christ-centered education is a vital key to dealing with the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical health of children.

Responsibility of the Christian Parents

We hold Christ-centered education to be a mandate of God to the Christian family in order to establish children as disciples of Christ, vessels of honor, and productive citizens. While a Christ-centered education is the responsibility of the parent, the Christian school is a useful ally in meeting those educational needs.

Responsibility of the Church, Home, and School

We believe that a balanced Christian education is both an extension of the ministries of the church and of the home (Acts 5:42). We find Christian education to be the third strand in the chord of agreement between parents, ministers, and educators in the development of young people. Like parents and ministers, educators seek to nurture God’s purpose and plan for each child and to equip them academically so they may realize their full potential in that plan.

Responsibility of the Educator

In conjunction with our Christ-centered curriculum, we have established the Academy campus as a Christian environment. Our campus is a peaceful and joyous one that values orderliness and honor between faculty and students. We believe that these virtues facilitate a positive, successful learning process. Our administrators, faculty, and staff are mature in their Christian principles and practices. As the “living curriculum,” we desire to teach by example as well as by instruction. 

Responsibility of the Student

We hope to inspire the spirit of excellence within each child. It is said of Daniel that he was skillful in all wisdom, discernment and understanding because an excellent spirit was found in him (Daniel 1:4; 5:12). That spirit of excellence is the compass by which a child can set the course of their academic career and Christian life. Therefore, each child must determine that they will live up to the vast potential that God has willed for their life. Exhibiting an honorable character, diligent approach to education, and inquisitive nature, each student will succeed as he or she takes responsibility for their own spiritual, mental, social, and athletic progress.